
AdWords Certification - checked!

12 days. Two 2-hour long exams. An email was waiting:


You are now Individually Qualified with Google AdWords.

Your account has been updated and you can view which exams you've passed on the My Exams page. If you're working with a Company looking to become a Google Certified Partner, your qualification can also count towards their status by linking your account. Learn more about linking to a company account in our Help Center.Congratulations again on achieving your Individual Qualification.


Instagram is so big that it´s getting parodies

Have you been following what´s happening in Instagram lately? Business Insider has an interesting article about its latest development, 'Photos of You':

"Any Instagram user can add (or, tag) any Instagram account to their photos. An individual can now tag their photos with any other Instagram user, product, or the accounts of businesses. A business can do the same.... When Nike posts a photo of an athlete to its Instagram account, it can tag the photo so that the athlete can also add the photo to his or her stream. This engages Nike's followers as well as any followers of that athlete, increasing the overall number of views of the photo."


With service´s popularity comes the fame. Have you seen Nickelback´s fantastic parody video already. It really summarizes what the Instagram is all about, have fun!


Case Kleenex ja adaptiivinen markkinointi

Kuukausi takaperin kirjoittelin ajatuksia adaptiivisesta markkinoinnista ja datan tarjoamista mahdollisuuksista. Yksi kirjoituksen innoituksia oli aiemmin keväällä Lontoossa näkemäni esimerkkicase Kleenexin verkkokampanjasta, jossa hyödynnettiin eri tavoin mm hakudataa ennustamaan flunssaepidemian puhkeamista. Tässä kyseinen case videolla by Mindshare Lontoo