My boss went to Milan, Italy to the McCann Europe´s yearly planning meeting, and came bck with smile. She - and slightly us too - had turned this company profitable after few years of trouble! Great!
Another topic - big pressure is on my shoulders since digital and CRM marketing are one of the growth areas, as well btl. Wow! Some thoughts about this challenge later this year (maybe).
Most pleased this fall I was work we did for L'Oréal Paris in Finland. They really wanted to go online to help boost sales and loyalty of some challeging products categories. Like hair colors - a category I never thought I would be dealing with. But hey, if this is your job, one have to get into the anything (that is not against your values).
So go and check it out web site. Some nice social feateres like discussion forums, voting etc - and many to come (hopefully). At least I have planned something more.

I am so pleased to find that our client is within a year turned their efforts more and more online-driven. E-mail marketing is now almost a monthly rutin. Among others. And waht´s best, their intrest forces my team and myself to really get everything out from digital marketing. Okey, there is a long wat to go for really interactive marketing , but hey, so have so many other firms as well.
p.s. Another case I am still proud of, from my last Satama-time. The site for Arabia-brand of Iittala Group (now part of Fiskars Group).

Something went well on a project because after months of updates and campaigns it still look great, freach and... sao Arabia-brand. Check it out