Graafikko Pekka Loiri on jälleen loihtinut tyylikkään ja julkaisijan imagoon istuvan kannen Dialogin aika-kirjaan. Hauskinta, että hän innostui ehdotuksestani kuvata digitaalisuuden monimuotoisuutta ja monimutkaisuutta ja toisiinsa kytkeytymistä metro-metaforan kautta. Ja jokainen discon ystävä tietää että ISO-D on paras :-)!
Better done than perfect -- digital marketing, media, trends, ideas & personal log since 2005
Dialogin Aika: KANSI!!!
Dialogin Aika: kirjoitusvirheiden äiti
Onneksi on tarkistus- ja oikoluku, sillä tämän virheen huomatessani ei voinut kuin revetä nauramaan. Otsikon piti olla "Digitaalisuus on yhteisöjä", mutta voisi se ehkä olla näinkin:

StyleRoom - now in Finland
For the last few weeks I have worked with former TradeDoubler guys from Sweden to launch a Finnish version of the highly popular interior decoration, design and inspiration community site "StyleRoom" (
The Finnish version is now on beta, and first members have joined. Check out the newest photo albums of the members if you are interested in everything about interiors.

The Finnish version is now on beta, and first members have joined. Check out the newest photo albums of the members if you are interested in everything about interiors.

The Swedish site is hugely popular, check it out too.
digital marketing,
web site
Lecture: Digitaalinen Markkinointi
VPK24 2009 Digital Marketing
View more presentations from anttileino.
Dialogin Aika: 3. luku "Yhteisö"
"More than 6 billion minutes are spent on Facebook each day."
-, syyskuu 2009
Tässä luvussa käsitellään Internetin yhteisöllisyyden synnyttämiä ilmiöitä. Digitaalinen markkinoija käyttää näitä mahdollisuuksia esimerkiksi ilmaisina markkinoinnin työkaluina, jakelu- ja viestintäkanavina sekä asiakastiedonlähteenä.
Sosiaalinen media
Mitä sosiaalinen media on?
Sosiaalinen media ei ole media
Hajautettu läsnäolo luo kohtaamispisteitä
Dialogia ja tiedon uudelleen jäsentämistä
Mielenkiintoisimmat sosiaaliset mediat
Sosiaalinen media markkinoinnissa
Facebook vetää jäseniä
Työkalut yhteydenpitoon ja ilmaisuun
Brändi Facebookissa
Mikä Twitterissä huvittaa
Twitter on uusin ilmiö
Vinkit Twitterin hyödyntämiseen
Sosiaalinen media yrityksissä
Miten menestyä sosiaalisessa mediassa
Viraali leviää yhteisössä
Miten viraali onnistuu (ehkä)
Tallennnus- ja jakopalvelut
Kiinnostavimpia virtuaalimaailmoja
Wikin edut
Hiljainen tieto siirtyy wikiin
Miksi wiki?
Digitaalinen media on yhteisöllisyyttä ja palvelua
Dialogin Aika: 2. luku "Palvelu"
”Keskeinen ongelma on ymmärtää arkkitehtuurin ja alustojen merkitys kilpailukyvylle. Se edellyttää strategisen, taktisen ja insinööriajattelun yhdistämistä ja samalla varmistaa brändin paikka kuluttajan sydämessä.”
- Mika Helenius, Aalto-yliopiston digitaalisen palvelutieteen maisteriohjelma.
Tämä luku keskittyy nettipalveluihin, www-sivustoihin ja informaation jakamisen muihin digitaalisiin muotoihin. Luvussa käsitellään digitaalisuusta ja Internetiä erityisesti sen palvelufunktion kautta. Sähköposti- ja mobiilikäyttöä käsitellään omissa kappaleissaan.
Verkkopalvelut markkinoijan työkaluna
Verkko mahdollistaa
1 Informaatiopalvelu
Löydettävyys on tärkeintä
Kolmen s:n periaate
Informaation jäsentäminen subjektiivisuudesta
Folksomia: entä jos kirjoittajalla olisi kaikki valta
Sisällönhallintajärjestelmät ovat autuus ja kirous
2 Asiointipalvelu
Käyttäjäpersoonat ja käyttöskenaariot
Ikuinen beta
Käyttöliittymä on brändin ilmentymä
3 Sähköposti markkinoijan kanavana
Uutiskirje, bulletin, sähköinen suora tai jotain siltä väliltä
Sähköpostimarkkinointi käytännössä
4 Mobiili markkinoinnissa ja viestinnässä
Mobiili massamediana
Mobiilin lähtökohtia markkinoinnissa
Mobiilin markkinointisovelluksia
5 Informaation jakamisen muita keinoja
6 Hakukoneoptimointi
Optimointi parantaa sivuston löydettävyyttä
Dialogin Aika: introkappale & 1. osa "Media"
Click. Tervetuloa digitaalisuuteen.
"Kaupallinen Internet on juuri ja juuri vuosikymmenen ikäinen kun meneillään on seuraava merkittävä muutos. Käyttäjät, asiakkaat, kuluttajat, siis ihmiset ovat muuttumassa passiivisista sivujen lukijoista ja lomakkeiden täyttäjistä aktiivisiksi toimijoiksi ja osallistujiksi. He itse päättävät mitä haluavat ja milloin haluavat lukea, nähdä ja tehdä. Internet tänään on enemmän henkilökohtainen, enemmän muokattavissa ja enemmän avoin. Omalla vääjäämättömällä vaikutuksellaan se ja ympäristön digitalisoituminen muokkaavat miten elämänne ja toimimme sekä miten teemme bisnestä ja viestimme uusilla ja erilaisilla tavoilla."
”Brändit eivät synny kampanjoiden voimalla. Ne syntyvät ihmisten välisessä ekosysteemissä. Me voimme vain tukea näitä systeemejä parhaan taitoimme mukaan.”
- Mike Mendenhall, Chief Marketing Officer, HP
Tässä luvussa tutustutaan verkon mahdollisuuksiin mainoskanavana. Huomion herättäjänä, kiinnostuksen kasvattajana ja aktiviteettiin ohjaajana. Tulospohjainen verkkomainonta on mukana, samoin peli- ja hakukonemainonta. Esittelyssä on joukko erilaisia mainosmuotoja. Mobiili- ja sähköpostikanavien mediaominaisuukset on esitelty Digitaalisuus on Palvelua-luvussa.
Miksi verkkomainonta
Mihin käyttäisin verkkomainontaa
Verkkomainonnan ostaminen
Digitaalinen mediasuunnittelu
Banneri: digitaalisen mainonnan käytetyin mainosväline
Bannerin parhaat puolet
Kilkkaako kukaan?
Eksoottisia mainosmuotoja ja -kanavia
Koko sivu
Over the page
Pop-up ja -down
Peel-down –kulma
Kontekstuaalinen ja geolokalisoitu mainos
Live Messenger
Mainonta peleissä
Lisätty todellisuus
Aktiivisen markkinoijan väline
Kumppanuusmarkkinointi käytännössä
Minä: kumppanuusmarkkinoija?
Hakukone digitaaliseen markkinoinnin työkaluna
Hakupalvelu mediana
Hakukonemarkkinoinnin erityispiirteet
Suunnittele ja testaa tekstimainontaa
Google AdSense
Click. Tervetuloa digitaalisuuteen.
"Kaupallinen Internet on juuri ja juuri vuosikymmenen ikäinen kun meneillään on seuraava merkittävä muutos. Käyttäjät, asiakkaat, kuluttajat, siis ihmiset ovat muuttumassa passiivisista sivujen lukijoista ja lomakkeiden täyttäjistä aktiivisiksi toimijoiksi ja osallistujiksi. He itse päättävät mitä haluavat ja milloin haluavat lukea, nähdä ja tehdä. Internet tänään on enemmän henkilökohtainen, enemmän muokattavissa ja enemmän avoin. Omalla vääjäämättömällä vaikutuksellaan se ja ympäristön digitalisoituminen muokkaavat miten elämänne ja toimimme sekä miten teemme bisnestä ja viestimme uusilla ja erilaisilla tavoilla."
”Brändit eivät synny kampanjoiden voimalla. Ne syntyvät ihmisten välisessä ekosysteemissä. Me voimme vain tukea näitä systeemejä parhaan taitoimme mukaan.”
- Mike Mendenhall, Chief Marketing Officer, HP
Tässä luvussa tutustutaan verkon mahdollisuuksiin mainoskanavana. Huomion herättäjänä, kiinnostuksen kasvattajana ja aktiviteettiin ohjaajana. Tulospohjainen verkkomainonta on mukana, samoin peli- ja hakukonemainonta. Esittelyssä on joukko erilaisia mainosmuotoja. Mobiili- ja sähköpostikanavien mediaominaisuukset on esitelty Digitaalisuus on Palvelua-luvussa.
Miksi verkkomainonta
Mihin käyttäisin verkkomainontaa
Verkkomainonnan ostaminen
Digitaalinen mediasuunnittelu
Banneri: digitaalisen mainonnan käytetyin mainosväline
Bannerin parhaat puolet
Kilkkaako kukaan?
Eksoottisia mainosmuotoja ja -kanavia
Koko sivu
Over the page
Pop-up ja -down
Peel-down –kulma
Kontekstuaalinen ja geolokalisoitu mainos
Live Messenger
Mainonta peleissä
Lisätty todellisuus
Aktiivisen markkinoijan väline
Kumppanuusmarkkinointi käytännössä
Minä: kumppanuusmarkkinoija?
Hakukone digitaaliseen markkinoinnin työkaluna
Hakupalvelu mediana
Hakukonemarkkinoinnin erityispiirteet
Suunnittele ja testaa tekstimainontaa
Google AdSense
Dialogin Aika: taustamateriaaleja
Kirjan, "Dialogin Aika", vaati melkoisen tausta-aineiston. Internettiä ei kuviin saatu, mutta tässä pieni otos perinteisemmästä materiaalista.
Pinossa kirjoja, joita on tullut luettua ja selailtua.
Suomalainen metsäteollisuus ei voi minua syyttää taantumasta. Muistiinpanoja, vanhoja rappareita, tulostettuja presiksiä...
Tästä kaikki alkoi. Epävirallinen mind-map, josta sisältö ja teemat alkoivat muotoutua ja jota seurattiin 6 kuukauden ajan.
Dialogin Ajan virallinen sisällysluettelo tulee julki kohta puoleen.
Ambient marketing from Finnish Railways

This picture was taken today at the Helsinki main railway station. There are four huge stone men guarding the main entrance. Notice nice green caps in their head?!? If you have seen the latests tv ad from Finnish Railways one would immediately notice the idea, which made me at least laugh. Well done marketing communication people at ad agency Dynamo.
Want to see "stone men" even more: check previous tv ads
Medialandscape year 2009
Nicely putting together most interesting from the year 2009
Jonathan from Spotify
We love Jonathan from Spotify which is why we've created Jonathan Premium.wmv. A global Jonathan community... No seriously. Anyone with Spotify lacking a premium membership is familiar with Jonathan. It's his voice that pops up right when you're about to play your favourite tune to your friend. It's his voice that surprises you when you're skipping through songs to find the one you're looking for. It's his voice that you can't mute to stop it from flooding into your brain. Listening to Jonathan is not optional, you have to do it!
Widget for Ministry of Foreign Affairs
A small social media related project for Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Digital Surface, part II

I had finally chance to play with Microsoft Surface. User experience was better than I thought and interactivity was quick enough, not of course like wiht mouse but good enough to lobby context. Once interior designers get their hands into the digital surface ecosystems we will probably see wonderful ubi-communication once seen only in movies.
10 Branding and Marketing Trends for 2010
Excellent thoughts about future branding and marketing
Accommodating these trends will require a paradigm change on the parts of some companies. But whether a brand does something about it or not, the future is where it's going to spend the rest of its life. How long that life lasts is up to the brand, determined by how it responds to today's reality.
1) Value is the new black
2) Brands increasingly a surrogate for "value"
3) Brand differentiation is Brand Value
4) "Because I Said So" is so over
5) Consumer expectations are growing
and 5 more, worth of reading and thinking
Accommodating these trends will require a paradigm change on the parts of some companies. But whether a brand does something about it or not, the future is where it's going to spend the rest of its life. How long that life lasts is up to the brand, determined by how it responds to today's reality.
1) Value is the new black
2) Brands increasingly a surrogate for "value"
3) Brand differentiation is Brand Value
4) "Because I Said So" is so over
5) Consumer expectations are growing
and 5 more, worth of reading and thinking
Microsoft Surface meets Google Maps
TravelTainment, a company that provides technology services to travel agents has created a mash-up of Google Maps and Microsoft Surface technology that enables holidaymakers to check out destinations on an interactive world map.
A little self promotion

I produced a promotional site for a local CPA/CPC agency AINOA with a help from a talented web programmer who did the most of the hard work here. Site in finnish is here
Next four BIG opportunities in social media
My former colleague from Satama Interactive and a co-inventor of Jaiku microblogging service (sold to Google then) Jyri Engeström spoke on Monday in Helsinki, Finland about the next successful internet businesses.
Interestingly he raised four different opportunities as a main points:
1. Online services that collect online identities. Facebook dominates this category though Facebook Connect so far.
2. "What do I do right know" -status updates aka microblogging services. Set your status/location/mood/etc to one service and it do spreads status around several sites. Facebook is number one here too.
3. Social inbox. A service that would collect your networks updates and messages. This would be interesting, and again, it feels that FB is here dominat as well because you could see blog posts, delicious updates through it.
4. Real-time search. No one is good in here. Not even Google who searches past. Very promising opportunity to dig into.
Interestingly he raised four different opportunities as a main points:
1. Online services that collect online identities. Facebook dominates this category though Facebook Connect so far.
2. "What do I do right know" -status updates aka microblogging services. Set your status/location/mood/etc to one service and it do spreads status around several sites. Facebook is number one here too.
3. Social inbox. A service that would collect your networks updates and messages. This would be interesting, and again, it feels that FB is here dominat as well because you could see blog posts, delicious updates through it.
4. Real-time search. No one is good in here. Not even Google who searches past. Very promising opportunity to dig into.
My book TOC
Since April this year I have been diggin' my old notes and presentation, read several books and articles and surfed a lot to gather data for my new boos about digital marketing.
The final leg has started and I have a 4 weeks to finish the script. It´s been very interesting to try to put topics in order and I am not quite happy yet.
I am missing the the TITLE of the book. So lets make a little competition for all my FB friends: any one figuring out a great name receives a free lunch at Carma Restaurant! Deadline end of this month.
Here is the overall Toc:
1 Digital Media
Digital advertising
Search marketing
Affiliate marketing
Email marketing
Mobile marketing
2 Digital Service
Self Service Sites
Information Sites
Search Engine Optimazation
Web Analytics and measurement
3 Digital Community (or Place, havent decided yet...)
Social Media (FB, Twitter, YouTube etc..)
Viral marketing
Wikis and world of sharing
Virtual worlds
Oh. So many things.
The final leg has started and I have a 4 weeks to finish the script. It´s been very interesting to try to put topics in order and I am not quite happy yet.
I am missing the the TITLE of the book. So lets make a little competition for all my FB friends: any one figuring out a great name receives a free lunch at Carma Restaurant! Deadline end of this month.
Here is the overall Toc:
1 Digital Media
Digital advertising
Search marketing
Affiliate marketing
Email marketing
Mobile marketing
2 Digital Service
Self Service Sites
Information Sites
Search Engine Optimazation
Web Analytics and measurement
3 Digital Community (or Place, havent decided yet...)
Social Media (FB, Twitter, YouTube etc..)
Viral marketing
Wikis and world of sharing
Virtual worlds
Oh. So many things.
Web 2.0 Expo key findings
Friend of mine Jussi Solja from N2 visited Web 2.0 Expo and put together this great summary "where are we now.." Worth of checking and understanding.

Finland is trailing Sweden in a lot of things. Some we can’t necessarily impact with our own actions (like success in hockey) but luckily there are some things we can affect. And this time it’s even for the greater good: The climate. Check out N2´s site about the important topic.
Client relationship
Being in global professional service business over 15 years this video clip is so tru, sad to say. So many times you are forced to these discussion about "test phase", "i am not a decison maker", "this couldnt cost this much", "yes I know the budget is used but my wife didnt like the colocrs, so would you just for me think them again".... etc. How do you feel?
Credits to ones who did this. Saved my day :-)
Credits to ones who did this. Saved my day :-)
a letter from partners of Laundry
Dear Friends,
As you may have read from the news, Laundry is now N2 Laundry.
When we started Laundry two years ago, we challenged a number of stone-carved conventions of the marketing communications business. We thought that majority of agencies were doing things that were fundamentally wrong – in this time and age. Some of our assumptions were wrong (like the now-defunct no-accounts-policy and total communications blackout), but in many things we were right, too (combining traditional and modern marketing channels, use of social media,etc.).
The recession has accelerated the need for changes in marketing communications. Both what is bought by clients and what is created by the agencies. There’s still a need to address the masses with great stories, but we also need to be able to nurture ongoing conversations – and find new tools and solutions for effective and engaging marketing.
I started discussions with Jussi Nurmio last autumn about how the world was changing. Not just marketing communications, but business, art, creativity, innovation, technology – and how things that before didn’t seem to have much in common were, in fact, growing closer than ever before. Design is a big factor when we buy technology. Marketing is part of everything – even product ideation. In the times of rapid changes, creativity is much needed for business success.
Outcome of those early discussions were later crafted into N2’s vision of the world and mission for our business. Now we have started a journey to form a new kind of creative professional services company. A company that is made of the hardest working, intelligent and passionate people in technology, design
and business – for our clients benefit.
Laundry was a great foundation to start from, as it is already doing the right kind of things in the field of marketing. Having Jussi onboard N2 gives also Laundry a massive new resource in insight and understanding client needs. Other than that very little changes. Alex continues as the managing director, Kimmo Tupala continues as sales director. The same goes for our creatives. Although we are expecting to hire some new faces to Laundry during this year.
N2 Internet is lead by Antti Leino, a online business veteran and founder of Interweb Design and later Satama Interactive. The offering of the company is – simply – to help businesses go online. Sometimes this means e-commerce, sometimes some other kind of service development. We are building this offering around consultants, programmers, usability experts and creative geniuses. Like in marketing communications, there’s need for new ways of working and thinking in that field too. Instead of two-year projects that end up in massive costs, we aim to employ new technologies and creative concept thinking to create game-changing offerings for our clients. The staff we have joining us, is simply amazing.
N2 Design is an entity that we see helping clients in brand development, corporate identity and packaging. Also packaging goods that aren’t packageable. We have few interesting candidates with whom we are currently negotiating about leadership position in the agency. We will inform the world in the next few months about our decision.
The big deal about N2 -setup is that we work seamlessly together in the same office, regardless of who is employed by which company - according to project and client needs. Should you need help in both marketing and planning your online business, we’re the people. Then again, should you just need help with advertising/marketing you can work with Laundry, as before.
- Alex, Jani, Jari, Jussi, Pauliina & Jussi & everybody at N2.
As you may have read from the news, Laundry is now N2 Laundry.
When we started Laundry two years ago, we challenged a number of stone-carved conventions of the marketing communications business. We thought that majority of agencies were doing things that were fundamentally wrong – in this time and age. Some of our assumptions were wrong (like the now-defunct no-accounts-policy and total communications blackout), but in many things we were right, too (combining traditional and modern marketing channels, use of social media,etc.).
The recession has accelerated the need for changes in marketing communications. Both what is bought by clients and what is created by the agencies. There’s still a need to address the masses with great stories, but we also need to be able to nurture ongoing conversations – and find new tools and solutions for effective and engaging marketing.
I started discussions with Jussi Nurmio last autumn about how the world was changing. Not just marketing communications, but business, art, creativity, innovation, technology – and how things that before didn’t seem to have much in common were, in fact, growing closer than ever before. Design is a big factor when we buy technology. Marketing is part of everything – even product ideation. In the times of rapid changes, creativity is much needed for business success.
Outcome of those early discussions were later crafted into N2’s vision of the world and mission for our business. Now we have started a journey to form a new kind of creative professional services company. A company that is made of the hardest working, intelligent and passionate people in technology, design
and business – for our clients benefit.
Laundry was a great foundation to start from, as it is already doing the right kind of things in the field of marketing. Having Jussi onboard N2 gives also Laundry a massive new resource in insight and understanding client needs. Other than that very little changes. Alex continues as the managing director, Kimmo Tupala continues as sales director. The same goes for our creatives. Although we are expecting to hire some new faces to Laundry during this year.
N2 Internet is lead by Antti Leino, a online business veteran and founder of Interweb Design and later Satama Interactive. The offering of the company is – simply – to help businesses go online. Sometimes this means e-commerce, sometimes some other kind of service development. We are building this offering around consultants, programmers, usability experts and creative geniuses. Like in marketing communications, there’s need for new ways of working and thinking in that field too. Instead of two-year projects that end up in massive costs, we aim to employ new technologies and creative concept thinking to create game-changing offerings for our clients. The staff we have joining us, is simply amazing.
N2 Design is an entity that we see helping clients in brand development, corporate identity and packaging. Also packaging goods that aren’t packageable. We have few interesting candidates with whom we are currently negotiating about leadership position in the agency. We will inform the world in the next few months about our decision.
The big deal about N2 -setup is that we work seamlessly together in the same office, regardless of who is employed by which company - according to project and client needs. Should you need help in both marketing and planning your online business, we’re the people. Then again, should you just need help with advertising/marketing you can work with Laundry, as before.
- Alex, Jani, Jari, Jussi, Pauliina & Jussi & everybody at N2.
Hello N2. How are we?

Good morning.
My life has been an interesting path of sudden encounters. The final one has guided to N2. I will take a leading role of N2 Internet which develops various web site from A to Z and advices companies utilize benefits of internet and other digital opportunities.
Next few months I am focusing to finalize a manuscript for new “Digital Marketing” book (order this marketing bible: Infor, 2009) and to run series of summer lectures at Helsinki School of Economics (”Strategic & Experience Design”).
I will spend most of my freetime with my family and dogs on a beautiful old lake-side summer house. Still so must to work there
Have a wonderful day!
A book!
After 5 years of thinking and thinking I signed a deal to write a book about "Digital Marketing". The publisher will be Infor. They published my first co-written book .net. Hanbook for internet communication" almost 10 years ago.
The name of the book is still under construction of course since after outlining all the topics I got scary.
Wow! So much to talk about.
I decided I will try to cover key topics any marketer would face when moving his dollars to digital space.
- key channel strategies
- channel execution challenges
- how to integrate marketing
- how to save, sell, speak, serve and sizzle (with the brand) in digital.
Key question wont be: "should I go digital", rather it will be: "I am moving my marketing, r&d, sales and pr-budgets to digital. What should I consider, how to start, how measure and how to be succesful."
This will be an interesting book to work with along my summer teacher job at Helsinki School of Economics.
I will post the table of content here as soon it gets in public beta phase.
The name of the book is still under construction of course since after outlining all the topics I got scary.
Wow! So much to talk about.
I decided I will try to cover key topics any marketer would face when moving his dollars to digital space.
- key channel strategies
- channel execution challenges
- how to integrate marketing
- how to save, sell, speak, serve and sizzle (with the brand) in digital.
Key question wont be: "should I go digital", rather it will be: "I am moving my marketing, r&d, sales and pr-budgets to digital. What should I consider, how to start, how measure and how to be succesful."
This will be an interesting book to work with along my summer teacher job at Helsinki School of Economics.
I will post the table of content here as soon it gets in public beta phase.
Aalto University logo
Aalto University has revealed its new logo.
Personally I didnt like first as a permanent visual element for a nr 1 school fo the country. It feels like a design school identity more than a symbol of a engineering / economist / art university. Well, check it out yourself:

The internet-audience has immediately started to give their opinion. Here are a few examples:
Create your own "Aalto" -name:
Create your compny a "aalto"-logo:
Aaltolize your own site:
Once again, self expression and speed are the ultimate strenghts of the internet. This case once again proves my point.
Personally I didnt like first as a permanent visual element for a nr 1 school fo the country. It feels like a design school identity more than a symbol of a engineering / economist / art university. Well, check it out yourself:

The internet-audience has immediately started to give their opinion. Here are a few examples:
Create your own "Aalto" -name:
Create your compny a "aalto"-logo:
Aaltolize your own site:
Once again, self expression and speed are the ultimate strenghts of the internet. This case once again proves my point.
Starting an own business
Yes. I started my own little digital shop lowreality digital marketing in April. Check it out its site (in finnish so far).
2 and half years at MRM/McCann Helsinki were very rewarding, educational and fun. I will miss both of my CEO (still good friend with both), our creative creative creative director, all wonderful project directors and managers plus the way of working.
Love you all guys at Pieni Roobertinkatu, Helsinki!
2 and half years at MRM/McCann Helsinki were very rewarding, educational and fun. I will miss both of my CEO (still good friend with both), our creative creative creative director, all wonderful project directors and managers plus the way of working.
Love you all guys at Pieni Roobertinkatu, Helsinki!
Presentation on Monday.
I having a digital marketing training/presentation at Infor, a corporate training company in Helsinki.

Going to show them example, a case I would love to do to another brand. The redesign Skittle´s website is little more than a small overlay that links to user-submitted information about the candy on various social media sites like photos of candy wrappers on Flickr, videos from the company's YouTube channel, the Facebook fan page, its Wikipedia entry and real-time conversation on Twitter. What a simple, excellent use of earned, own and bought media. Love it.
Full presentation is available

Going to show them example, a case I would love to do to another brand. The redesign Skittle´s website is little more than a small overlay that links to user-submitted information about the candy on various social media sites like photos of candy wrappers on Flickr, videos from the company's YouTube channel, the Facebook fan page, its Wikipedia entry and real-time conversation on Twitter. What a simple, excellent use of earned, own and bought media. Love it.
Full presentation is available
New Balance goes Digital
Remember New Balance? They are really going online with the latest campaign from Momentum NYC. Not bad if you are a Lacrosse fan (and I loved my old NB sneakers a lot!).
>New Blance YouTUbe channel.
Campaign elements includes for example a campaign web site, a Twitter account, You Tube -channel (above) and a Facebook-group.
Havent seen any traditional advertising, an omen perhaps?
Landrover @ Twitter

As a Landrover owner it was interesting to see how quickly netizens reacted manufacturer´s marketing campaign at Twitter. They also promoted heavily Twitter´s "hastags" to engage conversation (see print ad on the left). Is this the future of advertising - or is it still too early to try to capitalized social networks? I think so.
96 hours project
Brief given on Monday. Tuesday visual idea. Wednesday video capturing. Thursday building. Delivery late Thursday.
Not bad. Project is here
Site itself by Avaus & uoma.
Not bad. Project is here
Site itself by Avaus & uoma.
Back online - finally
After over a year without publishing anything on personal blog is a shame. I decided to do something for it.
So I am going to write a book. A real book. YEs, I do have a publishers already. It will be a book about Digital Marketing. Should be ready at the end of the year.
I will use this blog to communicated how writing is proceeding.
In a mean time, I am a blogger in another finnish web site, so take a look (in finnish):
So I am going to write a book. A real book. YEs, I do have a publishers already. It will be a book about Digital Marketing. Should be ready at the end of the year.
I will use this blog to communicated how writing is proceeding.
In a mean time, I am a blogger in another finnish web site, so take a look (in finnish):
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