
A book!

After 5 years of thinking and thinking I signed a deal to write a book about "Digital Marketing". The publisher will be Infor. They published my first co-written book .net. Hanbook for internet communication" almost 10 years ago.

The name of the book is still under construction of course since after outlining all the topics I got scary.

Wow! So much to talk about.

I decided I will try to cover key topics any marketer would face when moving his dollars to digital space.

- key channel strategies
- channel execution challenges
- how to integrate marketing
- how to save, sell, speak, serve and sizzle (with the brand) in digital.

Key question wont be: "should I go digital", rather it will be: "I am moving my marketing, r&d, sales and pr-budgets to digital. What should I consider, how to start, how measure and how to be succesful."

This will be an interesting book to work with along my summer teacher job at Helsinki School of Economics.

I will post the table of content here as soon it gets in public beta phase.

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